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Australian Army calls for proposals in Energy and Environmental Resilience

Army is seeking proposals to reduce its energy consumption and storage needs as well as manage its waste. Photo: Defence

The Australian Army has called for proposals from industry and research sector players interested in participating in Army Innovation Day 2021, and has issued a Challenge Statement for guidance.

The Army is moving towards accelerated warfare, characterised by advanced electronic and networked technologies, robotics and autonomous systems. As technology proliferates in the modern battlespace, the demand for Power and Energy (P&E) will increase, imposing greater levels of energy dependence for land combat.

This Challenge Statement is focused on addressing Army’s commitment to energy and environmental resilience. As Army seeks to understand and manage its environmental impacts it looks to Industry and Research Institutions to strengthen resource security, improve the efficiency of resource consumption and modernise waste management.

The Challenge: Defence is seeking innovative Proposals that complement and improve the energy and environmental resilience of the deployed Land Force in the following areas: (1) reducing energy consumption and new power technology, and (2) managing waste.

Army Innovation Day 2021

AID21 will be held as an event within the Chief of Army’s Symposium on Monday, 19 April 2021 at the Brisbane Exhibition and Convention Centre. The purpose of AID21 is for selected Respondents to display proposed innovation concepts (including Formal Proposal Questioning) to nominated Defence personnel. The Deed of Participation Terms (within these CFS Terms) will govern the Respondents’ mandatory participation at AID21.

Submissions due 28 January 2021 at 12:00pm (ACT Local Time)

For further details g to AusTender

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