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DEADLINE ALERT: D.START Ignite open for second round of applications

The DST Group’s D.Start Ignite program is looking for a second round of applications applications from Australian researchers and SMEs who want to connect with Defence and attract the resources they need to translate smart ideas into operational capability.

Applications close 26 March 2021.

Delivered under the Next Generation Technologies Fund (NGTF), D.Start is looking for emerging and future technologies with the potential to provide game-changing capabilities for Australia’s defence and national security.

Through expert guidance from the D.Start facilitation team, participants will be better placed to understand and navigate the complex Defence and Defence Industry landscape, open doors they never thought possible and fast-track their understanding of how to do business with Defence.

Delivered remotely for teams of two to five members it is modelled on CSIRO’s highly successful national science and technology pre-accelerator program ‘ON Prime.’

Delivered by the Department of Defence in partnership with CSIRO, D.Start Ignite combines expert knowledge with powerful connections to help increase opportunity for successful translation.

The program is open to Australian businesses, research organisations and their teams working on science or technology for Defence application.

Teams can apply at any stage of their project and in any discipline. DST Group is particularly interested in teams that have yet to explore Defence as a potential customer for their innovation or are keen to explore new pathways for commercialisation

DST Group is interested in technologies with the potential to address DSTG’s mission-directed STaR Shots (Science, Technology and Research Shots) and deliver game-changing capabilities for Australia’s defence and national security.

Applications for D.Start Ignite are submitted online in DST’s application portal. An application takes approximately an hour to complete.

Applications close 26 March 2021.

For further information go to DST Group’s D.START Ignite page.

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