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Defence Innovation Hub achieves $300 million mark

M1A1 Abrams tanks from the 1st Armoured Regiment at the Mt Bundey training area. TAE Gas Turbines has won a $2.2 million contract to enhance their engines. Photo: Defence

The Defence Innovation Hub’s investment in innovative Australian defence industry businesses has soared past $300 million. This major milestone came with the announcement of 10 new contracts worth almost $20 million for defence industry, taking the total number of contracts signed by the Hub to over 150.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said, “This major milestone demonstrates the Morrison Government’s commitment to nurturing the Australia’s sovereign defence industry and innovation capability.

“The Defence Innovation Hub’s investment strategy has played a transformative role for Australia’s small-to-medium businesses and the way in which they innovate and support Defence requirements.

Nine of the 10 new contracts will allow the companies to continue developing promising technologies that have already benefited from previous Defence Innovation Hub funding.

Industry and research organisations can submit innovation proposals through the Defence Innovation Portal at:

Contracts announced today under the latest round of Defence Innovation Hub funding are:

Organisation State Contract Value 

(GST incl.)

Description of innovation
RingIR Pty Ltd VIC $3.9 million To develop a portable device capable of promptly identifying dangerous chemicals and explosives.
Anywise Consulting Pty Ltd VIC $3.1 million To continue to develop an integrated software and device system to monitor the wear and tear of bridges in deployed environments.
Mission Systems Australia Pty Ltd WA $2.7 million To develop a networked underwater acoustic sensor.
Mincham Aviation Pty Ltd SA $2.2 million To continue to develop a tube-launched aerial delivery system for rapid and accurate payload delivery in maritime environments.
TAE Gas Turbines Pty Ltd QLD $2.2 million

To develop a single-stage engine filter for the existing fleet of Abrams tanks for improved performance and efficiency.

Marathon Targets Pty Ltd NSW $1.6 million To continue to develop an unmanned, realistic and self-propelled vehicle target to support Australian Defence Force training.
Mediaware International Pty Ltd ACT $1.6 million To develop an information processing system that integrates data to present a single visualisation for accelerated decision making.
Sentient Vision Pty Ltd VIC $1.3 To develop an enhanced visual detection system for use in reduced visibility conditions to detect and classify objects of interest.
BAE Systems Australia Limited VIC $1.1 million To develop a software-based decision support system to extract tactically useful information from maritime environments and facilitate accelerated decision making.
Defendtex Research Labs VIC $263,000 To develop a gas to disable a combustion engine, removing the need for explosives or tank traps.
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