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DISER opens up MMI Manufacturing Collaboration Stream grants

The Defence Science Institute (DSI) reports that DISER is about to call for applications for grants worth up to $200 million as part of its Manufacturing Collaboration Stream under the Modern Manufacturing Initiative (MMI). Applications will open on 11 August, closing 9 September, but it plans to run a series of online information sessions from 13 to 21 July. These will address things like eligibility requirements and key points from the assessment criteria. Potential applicants can register here.

The Manufacturing Collaboration Stream provides funding for businesses to collaborate on large-scale manufacturing projects that will either directly feature collaboration or will create and facilitate collaborative ecosystems.

Grants from $20 million up to $200 million are available for Australian large-scale manufacturers with business-to-business collaboration at their core and/or business-to-research collaboration at their core.

The stream will catalyse long-term transformation in the National Manufacturing Priority areas and focus private and public investment to help create the environment and incentives for Australian manufacturers to:

  • Collaborate
  • Scale up
  • Move towards higher value-added activities
  • Become more competitive
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