New Maritime Underwater Tracking Range to be built in WA
A new Maritime Underwater Tracking Range will be built in Western Australia. will replace the original tracking range system that ceased operating in 2012 and will provide the Navy with sub-surface tracking capability and optimised preparedness. Defence Connect reports the project will be worth around $300 million.
Through a series of sensors, the tracking range will capture and relay information on the location and movement of assets that are operating within the tracking field.
Making the announcement, Minister for Defence, Senator Linda Reynolds said the capability will provide Navy with vital information on the performance of its maritime warfare assets and tactics.
“By investing in technology which will strengthen our understanding of the best and most effective way to use our weapons, decoys and platforms, we are enabling our submarines and other maritime warfighting capabilities to operate with superiority while protecting Australia’s interests,” she said.
“Similar to a three-dimensional laboratory, the range will allow our Navy, our allies and partners to fine?tune our anti?submarine warfare tactics to deliver the technology edge needed in the future.”
The delivery of this sovereign capability is also expected to provide a much?needed boost for Australian industry by creating opportunities for businesses to participate in the installation and ongoing sustainment of the range, she added.
There will also be longer term opportunities created for Australian Industry, academia, research and innovation sectors to develop sovereign advanced signal processing, anti-submarine and unmanned system capabilities.
Defence will undertake a tender process to identify industry partners to deliver the Maritime Underwater Tracking Range in Western Australia.
Information about the tender process will be released through AusTender.