NSW Quantum Research Consortium calls for defence proposals
The NSW Defence Innovation Network (DIN), in partnership with the NSW Government and DST, is calling for multi-disciplinary quantum science R&D proposals. The DIN and its partners in the NSW Defence Industry Quantum Research Consortium will invest $1.5 million to build two game-changing prototypes within a 12-24-month time frame incorporating encapsulated quantum devices to strengthen Australia’s leadership in quantum research. The deadline for proposals is 5pm on 11 March 2020.
DIN seeks to fund projects with the greatest potential to be incorporated into TRL 4-5 prototype demonstrators with a clear commercial application.
NSW is an acknowledged leader in the field of quantum science and technology. The NSW Defence Industry Quantum Research Consortium aims to strengthen that leadership position through targeted investment in defence-relevant quantum science.
The aim of the NSW Defence Industry Quantum Research Consortium is to create lasting links to defence industry in the area of quantum technologies, catalyse additional investment in R&D in NSW and support multi-disciplinary collaborations between academic researchers and industry to leverage the quantum innovation capability across DIN member universities and accelerate the translation of quantum technologies to Defence capability.
DIN has scoped two themes for project proposals:
- Bright source single photon emitters wu=ith applications in distributed quantum keys for secure communications
- Nitrogen vacancy diamonds for magnetometry with specific ap;lkcatuons in navigation or detection of aberrations in magnetic fields, potentially for maritime deployment (eg persistent static sensors)
DIN wants any researchers and industry teams interested in submitting a proposal to contact DIN first and register their interest. If required, DIN can help connect interested parties with other potential team members.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on 11 March 2020.
For further info go to https://defenceinnovationnetwork.com/din-seed-project-grants-call-for-proposals/
And info@defenceinnovationnetwork.com
Download NSW Defence Industry Quantum Research Consortium-Guidelines