World Robot Summit 2020
The Japanese Ministry of External Trade and Industry (METI) and NEDO are calling for entries by industry, academia and research institutions into the World Robot 2020 Summit. Entry categories include industrial and service robotics, disaster robotics and junior robotics.
The World Robot Summit 2020 will be held in Fukushima on 20-22 August 2020 and also at Aichi 8-11 October, depending on the team composition and the entry category. The Summit will combine both competitions and an exhibition and the winners of the competition will be offered up to Y 100 million yen or more in combined prize monies.
Key objectives of the summit include to bring together the most advanced robot technologies from all over the world and accelerate technological development through team competitions and to demonstrate value of robots to the public as a means for solving current social challenges and to raise public understanding of robots.
For further information and to register contact the organisers: and
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