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DIN calls for proposals in Space Domain Awareness

The NSW Defence Innovation Network (DIN) is calling for collaborative research proposals in the Resilient Multi-Mission Space STaR Shot theme. Through its Strategic Investment Initiative, DIN will invest $500,000 of research funding in developing a prototype Space Domain Awareness system for defence use. Applications close on 29 October.

The DIN is part of DST Group’s Australian Defence Science University Network (ADSUN); with the recent announcement that Space is one of Defence’s Sovereign Industrial Capability Priorities (SICP), DIN has established a Strategic Investment Initiative (SII) focused on Space.

The purpose of the SII is to enable multi-disciplinary research teams to produce innovative prototypes, create lasting links to the defence industry, and catalyse commercialisation and additional R&D investment in NSW.

A key objective is to build capability in the State by funding collaborative research that will enable a prototype to be made within 12-18 months, suitable for a ‘demonstration’ of the new capability of the integrated system.

The Initiative is funded by the NSW Government.

The focus of the SII is Space Domain Awareness. Proposals must demonstrate multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional collaboration. Projects must be led by a DIN university with substantive inputs from at minimum two DIN universities. Project teams may include Australian businesses and non-DIN member university researchers.

The DIN adds that all project participants must be citizens of the Five Eyes Alliance (Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, the United States) or NATO member countries.

Researchers and the defence industry interested in participating in the call should contact DIN to register their interest. DIN will be able to connect interested parties with other potential team members on request. The project is scheduled to start on 1 April 2022.
The application form is available on request at

Download DIN SII Space_Guidelines 

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