DST Group launches ADSTAR Summit
The inaugural Australian Defence Science, Technology and Research Summit (ADSTAR) will be held in Sydney from 20 to 22 July 2022.
Hosted by the Defence Science and Technology Group on behalf of the Department of Defence, the summit will bring people together from across the research and innovation sector. Participants will share ideas with a view to enhancing capability for the Australian Defence Force.
Defence is seeking to work with academia and industry to overcome ts biggest challenges, focusing on three main themes:
- Resilience in contested environments
- Artificial intelligence for Defence
- Human & defensive biotechnologies.
ADSTAR will include a science-and-technology conference, workshops, panel sessions, networking opportunities and an interactive exhibition floor. The summit will be run as a hybrid in-person/virtual event.
Potential participants have an opportunity to submit ideas for collaboration to make the ADSTAR program a robust and engaging three-day event, says DST Group. Interested participants are invited to submit a proposal (300-word summary) via the ADSTAR summit web site on how they would like to collaborate at ADSTAR. Successful applicants will be invited to participate in presentations, panels, workshops, exhibitions and more and help shape the program for ADSTAR 2022.