seL4 microkernel developers create open source foundation

CSIRO’s Data61 has announced the creation of the seL4 Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation, to accelerate the development of the seL4 microkernel and related technologies.
An Australian innovation, seL4 is the world’s first operating system (OS) kernel that is mathematically proved secure, and is the world’s fastest and most advanced OS microkernel. The kernel is the piece of software that runs at the core of any computer system and is responsible for ensuring overall security, safety and reliability. seL4’s growing list of deployments range from defence systems to autonomous air and ground vehicles, safeguarding them from cyber threats.
The seL4 Foundation will provide a global, independent and neutral organisation for funding and steering the future evolution of seL4. Importantly, it will be a forum for developers and researchers to collaborate on growing and integrating the seL4 ecosystem, to maximise seL4’s benefits to critical systems across industry sectors around the world.
Dr June Andronick, Leader of Trustworthy Systems at CSIRO’s Data61 said, “seL4 is a game changer for safety- or security-critical systems; it forms a dependable base for building a trustworthy software stack. We are taking this step to increase participation from the seL4 community, to aid further adoption and provide a sustainable, long-term trajectory for seL4. We are impressed with the strong support for this move from developers and adopters around the world.”
Founding members of the seL4 Foundation, set up under the umbrella of the Linux Foundation, are CSIRO’s Data61, UNSW Sydney, HENSOLDT Cyber GmbH, Ghost Locomotion Inc, Cog Systems Inc, and DornerWorks Ltd.
For more information visit The seL4 Foundation and to learn about seL4 projects visit The seL4 microkernel.