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US approves sale of SM-6 and SM-2 IIIC missile

The US State Department has approved a possible Foreign Military Sale (FMS) to Australia of SM-6 and SM-2 Block III missiles and related equipment at an estimated cost of US$350 million (AUD$480 million). The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency has delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale.

Australia requested an undisclosed number of Standard Missile 6 Block I (SM-6) and Standard Missile 2 Block IIIC (SM-2 IIIC) missiles, manufactured by Raytheon. Along with the missiles Australia has also requested services including development; engineering, integration, and testing (EI&T); obsolescence engineering activities required to ensure readiness; U.S. Government and contractor engineering/technical assistance, and related studies and analysis support; technical and logistics support services; and other related elements of program and logistical support.

The proposed sale will support the readiness and future sale by the US government of anti-air warfare capability that can be deployed from Australia’s Hunter-Class Destroyers which will be equipped with the AEGIS Combat Systems. The purchase of SM-6s and SM-2 IIICs is currently in Australia’s procurement roadmap and will improve their ability to operate alongside US and Allied naval forces against the full spectrum of naval threats.

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