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DEADLINE ALERT: Mapping Australia’s AI and Autonomous Systems capability

Responses close on 29 October to a survey designed to support the development of a national Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Autonomous Systems Capability Map, which is being led by the South Australian and Queensland Governments.

The mapping project is an outcome of the inaugural National Meeting of Digital Economy and Technology Ministers on 15 May 2020. Part A of the survey seeks information at an organisational level about Australia’s national AI and autonomous systems capabilities.

Part B of the survey focusses on unique, world-leading and significant Australian case studies and projects.

The Department of Industry and Queensland and SA Governments invite organisations from the private and public sectors to participate. They will provide the map to Australia’s digital economy and technology Ministers and agencies to highlight areas of strength and expertise, to drive greater collaboration domestically and inform the promotion of Australia as a key location for research, development and commercialisation

The Map will consider:

  • public and private projects
  • centres of expertise
  • investments
  • case studies that draw on world leading, unique and/or innovative capabilities in AI and autonomous systems
  • skills, infrastructure and talent that underpins these case studies.

For further information please contact

To participate in the survey go to Online Survey

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