DIN, USyd Virtual Industry Forum on Data Analytics & Decision Superiority

The Defence Innovation Network (DIN) and the University of Sydney will host a Virtual Industry Forum focused on Data Analytics & Decision Superiority on Friday 25 September. The Forum will begin at 1130.
This event will provide a unique opportunity to learn about the Defence’s research needs and for industry and academia to present their innovations to a panel of experts in response to specific R&D areas of interest. Participants will also have a chance to interact with a number of representatives from the DST Group, RAN, RAAF and the Australian Army.
- CAPT David Frost, Director, Maritime Warfare Centre
- COL Dan Hartigan, Director, Joint C2, IW Division
- Dr Paul Gaertner, STaR Shot Leader, Agile Command and Control
- Decision analysis and Operations research
- ISR automation and integration
- Big data analytics and information fusion
- Computer vision, Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence & Human-AI interaction
- Distributed and resilient multi-domain networking
Interested in attending?
If you would like to join the event and just listen in, please register your interest to attend by 23 September 2020. Teleconference details will be sent to registrants who meet conditions of entry. Please use your full name and professional email to register for this event.
More info at info@defenceinnovationnetwork.com