DST calls for RF Payload research network proposals
The Melbourne-based Defence Science Institute (DSI) reports that the Next Generation Technologies Fund (NGTF) is calling for proposals from industry and academic partners interested in contributing expertise and ideas to establish an Advanced Radio Frequency Payload Research Network (ARFP-RN).
The focus of this Research Network will be to develop an innovative, space-qualified Radio Frequency (RF) sensor payload that can be integrated with commodity small satellite bus technology for demonstration in space under DST’s Resilient Multi Mission Space STaR Shot program.
DST Group will provide a research program brief to all interested parties via Microsoft Teams on 15 February 2021 at 1030 (ACDT).
Nominations to attend the briefing must be forwarded in writing to the space capabilities mailbox: SpaceTenders@dst.defence.gov.au . For security purposes nominations must include the full name, organisation, position, mobile phone number and email address of all nominated personnel.
Austender provides all the details of the proposal. Respondents must lodge submission on Austender here.
For further information go to the DSI web site here.