EoIs now open for Innovation Pitchfest at Land Forces 2021

Do you have a bright idea for the defence and security sectors with relevance to the Land domain? Register now for a chance to pitch your next big thing at the Land Forces 2021 Innovation Pitchfest.
Innovation?Pitchfest?is a dynamic and stimulating event where selected participants have the chance to present their latest science and technology ideas to Defence in the form of a short 3-minute pitch. The event is brought together by AMDA Foundation Limited, Defence Science Institute (DSI), Defence Science and Technology Group (DSTG), industry and academia and is an opportunity to learn from rising talents in Australia’s research and development sector.
This year, to accommodate the current COVID-19 safety measures, Innovation Pitchfest will look a little different. Successful applicants, in lieu of live presentations, will deliver their pitches prior to the event via Zoom. Pitches will be recorded and stitched together to produce a virtual form of the typical Pitchfest. The compilation of 3-minute pitches will live on this page from 1 June 2021.
For further information and to register for a slot at the Pitchfest go to https://defencescienceinstitute.com/news