New Associate Directors at DIN, DSI, DIP and DSC
After helping successfully launch the Sydney-based Defence Innovation Network (DIN), the DST-appointed Associate Director, Dr Helen Dorsett, has returned to DST’s Maritime Division. Her successor is Marc West, formerly of DST’s Joint & Operational Analysis Division where he spent much time in maritime operations research. The Director of DIN, UTS Professor of Chemistry Dr Bradley Williams, remains in post. DIN was launched at the beginning of 2018 with support in kind and funding from both DST Group and the NSW Office of the Chief Scientist and Engineer; it is hosted at UTS in Ultimo.
The recently established Defence Science Centre in Perth also has a new DST-appointed Associate Director, Dr Dave Gamble, who sits alongside DSC Director Ms Michelle Clement. In Adelaide, DST’s Dr Craig Rogers has taken over as Associate Director, Research, succeeding Dr Robin Nicholson.
Finally, the long-established Defence Science Institute (DSI), hosted at the University of Melbourne, has seen a similar rotation. Associate Professor Fiona Fletcher, who has been Associate Director for two years, has also returned to DST and is succeeded by Dr Claire Davis.