Victorian government renews support for DSI

The Defence Science Institute (DSI), the Victorian arm of the Australian Defence Science and University Network (ADSUN), has secured ongoing support through the 2020-21 Victorian State Budget to continue fostering collaborative research supporting Australia’s sovereign defence capability development.
As a research funding and facilitation organisation, DSI supports the advancement of innovative and next-generation technology within Australia’s defence industry, creating long-term defence research opportunities in the state.
DSI Director Adrian Pearce said, “Inclusion in the 2020-21 Victorian State Budget, as part of the Victorian Government’s Defence Capture Plan, will allow us to expand our intended objectives for DSI’s next phase and pursue greater opportunities for stakeholders.”
As the entry point to Victoria’s dynamic defence science community DSI provides advice, support to access research partners and a range of grants, including:
- Research Collaboration Grants – to encourage research collaboration between Victorian universities and local industry
- RHD Student Grants – to encourage collaboration between industry, DST Group, Defence or universities to develop the next generation of researchers
- Internship Grants – to encourage industry collaboration with Victorian postgraduate and undergraduate students
The DSI was established in 2010 within the University of Melbourne. It is funded jointly by the State Government of Victoria, DST Group and its university members.