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DIN Pilot Projects 2020-21 – Call for Proposals

The Defence Innovation Network (DIN) in Sydney has called for proposals from university and industry researchers for R&D Pilot Projects.  The proposals must address one of five key Defence and industry problem statements; successful proposals will win grants of up to $200,000.

The key objective of the DIN Pilot Projects is to conduct a rapid feasibility study on new ideas for Defence and develop these ideas into concepts or technology that can attract further investment from the government or industry. The grants will support collaboration between NSW universities, industry and Defence.
Research projects should be scoped for 6-12 months and address the following topics:

  • Technology for breaching glass obstacles
  • Sensors for Military Working Dogs
  • RAUAV Systems for recognition of human voice
  • In vitro lung system
  • Mine Countermeasures

For further information go to the DIN web site:

Applications should be submitted to by 6th June 2020.

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